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“We wish to open the Convent’s doors on an April afternoon so we may again inhabit the feminine. With music, poetry, stories, memories, flowers, paints, soup, bread, and dancing… An informal meeting with the inhabitants of Torrão to share patrimony — inherited, constructed, invented and yet to discover. Let’s talk?” Mariana!
Mariana! is a group made up by Ana Lage and Maria Morais, who, together, have developed a body of work continuously centered on their interest in the form and lyricism of popular Portuguese culture, and its oral tradition. Their mission is to gather many versions of traditional stories, and they propose, in Torrão, in dialogue with other artists, to celebrate these moments of encounter between the multiplicity of oral culture.
Creating a zona raiana (raia=border) where every crossing is possible and enriching, one may find the similarities, dilute difference, growing and learning together.
The meeting progresses within the scope of the program TORRÃO, ARTES DE SER — “Whoever tells a tale”, involving the storyteller Ana Sofia Paiva, who shares auth the group the patrimony of the popular story, and Bruno Lavos Marques — ATELIER SER — invited to enter with dance, and challenging participants to a game of words — a stencil tenter, inspired by a tongue twist by Jaime da Manta Branca: “Cities, Villas, Villages.”
The soundtrack to this meeting, which crosses tradition with innovation, memory with reinvention, is performed by the feminine voices of the Senior University’s choir and the Alentejana Soul Coral Group, with the special participation of Daniel António Tomás.
Raia Miúda functions as a festive moment in which at the same moment that the traditional is invoked, those memories become creatively reinvented by a more feminine sensibility that History has so often shut its eyes to.
The arrival of MARIANA! to Torrão occurs at the turn of a decade of collaboration between Ana Laje and Maria Morais which bears fruit since 2014: ARRAIAL — an informal meeting for the sharing of patrimony; MARIANA: Tales, Songs and Disenchantments of Women in Transit — an itinerant show; FOLHETIM DA MARIANA: Radio Series/ ANTENA 1 *)*; MARIANA PEQUENINA — children’s show, in Sines; and Searching for Marianas of the South — Artistic Residence, Tavira.
Conceptualization and Dinamization MARIANA! / Maria Morais e Ana Lage | TARS / Filipa de Assis
With the participation of ATELIER SER / Bruno Lavos Marques | Ana Sofia Paiva | Coro da Universidade Sénior | Daniel António Tomás
Born in 1966, she attends the University of Belas Artes of the University of Lisbon (Sculpture) and the Drawing course of the National Society of Belas Artes. She has a Post-Graduate Degree in Children’s Literature by the Catholic University. SHe begun her performing career at the Municipal Library of Oeiras (”Stories of Coming and Going”), where she studied with national and international storytellers, over the course of 7 years. She participated in the festivals of Storytelling in Portugal and Spain and developed work as a social educator with at risk youth, in collaboration with Chapitô. She is a collaborator in the project “Portuguese Music Liking Itself”, organising music and portuguese traditional dance meetings.
Lisbon-born, she has a degree in History of Art, and is specialized in Documental Sciences — in Archiving and Organizing Cultural Projects — and is a Master in Library studies. She has studied Theatre, Plastic Arts, Music, and Creative Writing. She works independently as an archivist and librarian, collaborating with various cultural associations and artistic projects. Currently, she works as cultural mediator, author, and interpreter, developing a creative residency with the Agrupamento de Escolas Templários, in Tomar since 2020. She has researched, written and told stories, mediating readings and incentivising expression. Edited works: poems, stories, drawing and didactic materials. She enjoys collecting memories, organizing them and sharing them, assuming herself as Anecdotistorian, a job she introduced to the market.