Talking Stones

O Crepúsculo

Katie Lagast

Space | Time | Wandering | Place | Memory | Religion | Interculturality

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Artistic research on the urban memory of place
Space | Time | Wandering | Place | Memory | Religion | Interculturality

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Artistic research on the urban memory of place
A stone wall – what might have remained of Portugal’s largest musalla – stands as an urban reference often overlooked by many. Captivated by the way these stones create inspiring patterns, the artist embarks on an exploration of memories of the place, obscured by time.

The musalla is an outdoor space near a mosque dedicated to prayer. The fundamental idea is to establish a connection between the “Musalla of HisnTurrus” and the churches and chapels of Torrão, creating a symbolic bridge between Arab and Christian cultures, Islam and Catholicism. The project shall culminate in an installation.

Certainly, not the entire wall along Rua do Poço Velho was erected during the construction of the mosque believed to have existed there. However, there are undoubtedly portions of it—stones and other details—that trace back to that historical era of the village. During the initial stages of her creative process, the artist, inspired by the seemingly random composition of specific sections, used them as material references to evoke the memories of the historical period when Torrão was a Muslim village inhabited by Moors.

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-30 at 10.12.42
WhatsApp Image 2023-10-30 at 10.12.43

Katie Lagast contextualises the origin of this research-action, sparked by a stroll through the streets where that wall caught her attention: “I see this work not only as a reconnection of two religions and many significant stories, but also as an appropriation of memories and symbols from a bygone era. I used the ancient wall and its reliefs and patterns to create an anchor piece within my own creation.”

O Crepúsculo, enquanto instalação e obra final, em vidro colorido, tem potencial de itinerância e de adaptação in situ a vários espaços sagrados, no Torrão ou noutras vilas e cidades. Destina-se primordialmente a uma ou mais igrejas no Torrão – dependendo da acessibilidade a cada um destes espaços. Os painéis de vidro permitem o projetar do exterior num espaço interior, algo que acontece frequentemente no labor da artista. A instalação evoca ainda um aspecto efêmero da relação entre tempo e espaço: a luz. Sintetiza Lagast, em setembro de 2023: “Durante as minhas estadias no Torrão, vou começar as minhas investigações a andar pelas ruas da vila, a olhar para paredes e muros, a tirar fotografias, a investigar o que está debaixo dos meus pés ou entre as pedras, a examinar a singularidade da paisagem: pedras, paredes, calçada ou tampas de ralos. Procurarei resquícios de memória urbana e investigarei vestígios históricos que finalmente se materializarão num arquivo petrificado de memórias que podem crescer no tempo (e que eventualmente podem ser apresentadas na forma de uma revista, de um livro, de um website ou em espaços expositivos). Transformo e transmuto os achados, os restos, o visionado, em objetos tangíveis de beleza e contemplação. Preservando assim fatias de espaço e tempo que poucas pessoas se importam em notar.”

